Re-entry planning will begin at the time of enrollment. The goal of Hope House residential and therapeutic programming will be stabilization of any substance use disorders, management of psychiatric symptoms, and the treatment of underlying mental and physical disease.
Upon stabilization, residential program staff will work to instill life and job skills which are essential to successful re-entry into the community. Beginning in the second year of a client’s stay or as soon as ready, at Hope House, residential staff and a re-entry coordinator will work with clients and nonprofit organizations with extensive community experience with Hope House’s target population to provide support in three major areas: 1) evaluation, motivational counseling, referral to residential programs; 2) family education, support, and reconciliation services; and 3) re-entry/recovery and housing support, and case management services. It is anticipated that program staff will be assigned to work with staff from re-entry partner agencies as needed to ensure a smooth transition into the community.