On Tuesday, Francis and the Greenburger Center were featured in a moving article in the New York Times, “From a Father’s Anguish Comes a Plan to Help Mentally Ill Inmates“. We are grateful for the outpouring of support following publication of the story and hope it will help to decrease the stigma associated with mental illness and increase awareness of this country’s broken criminal justice system.

“…Mr. Greenburger had been researching the criminal justice system and learned how detrimental it could be for the mentally ill. He began pleading with the district attorney for alternatives, and the district attorney responded that if Mr. Greenburger could find a secure treatment center for his son, he would consider placing him there instead of prison.
‘I didn’t know it at the time, but he was sending me on a wild-goose chase,’ Mr. Greenburger said. ‘There were literally none.’
So he has decided to build one of his own.”